A Complete Bibliography of the Book of Esther

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Complete Bibliography of the Book of Esther


S.B. Berg, The Book of Esther: Motifs, Themes, and Structure. Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series 44. Missoula: Scholars, 1979.

E. Bickerman, Four Strange Books of the Bible. Shocken, 1967.

Michael V. Fox, Character and Ideology in the Book of Esther, 2nd edn. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2001. Pbk. ISBN: 0802848818. pp.352.


Joyce G. Baldwin, Esther, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries. Leicester: IVP, 1984. Pbk. ISBN: 0851118402.

David J.A. Clines, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. New Century Bible. Sheffield Academic Press, 1984. Pbk. ISBN: 0551011181. pp.362.

R..J. Coggins & S.P. Re'emi, Nahum, Obadiah, Esther: Israel Among the Nations. International Theological Commentary. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1985. Pbk. ISBN: 0802800483. pp.140.

W.J. Fuerst, The Books of Ruth, Esther, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs, Lamentations. Cambridge Bible Commentary. Cambridge, 1975. pp.267.

J.G. McConville, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. Daily Study Bible. Westminster,1985. Pbk. ISBN: 0664245838. pp.197.

Carey A. Moore, Daniel, Esther, and Jeremiah: The Additions . The Anchor Bible, Vol. 44. New York: Doubleday, 1971. Hbk. ISBN: 0385047029. pp.118.

R.E. Murphy, Wisdom Literature: Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Canticles, Ecclesiastes, and Esther. Forms of Old Testament Literature. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1981. Pbk. ISBN: 0802818773. pp.185.

Adele Berlin, Esther (JPS), Jewish Publication Society Press, 2001.

Mervin Breneman, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (New American Commentary), Broadman and Holman, 1993.

Frederic W. Bush, Ruth, Esther, (Word Biblical Commentary, 9), Word Books, 1996.

Jon D. Levenson, Esther: A Commentary (OTL), Westminster John Knox, 1997.

Lewis Barton Paton, A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Esther (ICC), T & T Clark, 1908.

Monographs, Compilations, and Studies:

Jonathan Stark (taped lectures), 1999.

Kenneth M. Craig, Reading Esther: A Case for the Literary Carnivalesque (Literary Currents in Biblical Interpretation), Westminster John Knox, 1995.

Timothy S. Laniak, Shame and Honor in the Book of Esther (SBL Dissertation Series, 165), Scholars Press, 1998.

Articles and Essays:

Michael Fox, "The Structure of the Book of Esther" In Safer Isaac L. Seeligmann (ed. Alexander Rof)‚ Rubenstein, 1983: 291-301.

J. A. Loader, "Esther as a Novel with Different Levels of Meaning." Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 90 (1978): 417-421.

Francis C. Rossow, "Literary Artistry in the Book of Esther and its Theological Significance," Concordia Journal 13 (1987): 219-233.

Shemaryahu Talmon, " 'Wisdom' in the Book of Esther," Vetus Testamentum 13 (1963): 419-455.

Bernard W. Anderson, "The Place of the Book of Esther in the Christian Bible," Journal of Religion 30 (1950): 32-43.

Robert Gordis, "Religion, Wisdom and History in the Book of Esther: A New Solution to an Ancient Crux," Journal of Biblical Literature p 100 (1981): 359-88.

B. W. Jones, "Two Misconceptions about the Book of Esther," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 39 (1977): 171-181.

N. A. van Uchelen, "A Chokmatic Theme in the Book of Esther: A Study in the Structure of the Story" in Verkenningen in een Stroomgebied:

Proeven van oudtestamentisch Onderzoek: ter Gelegenheid van het Afscheid van Prof. Dr. M. A. Beek (ed. M. Boertien, et al), Huisdrukkerij Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1974: 132-140.

J. Stafford Wright, "The Historicity of the Book of Esther" in New Perspectives on the Old Testament (ed. J. B. Payne), Word Books, 1970: 37-47.

David J. A. Clines, "Reading Esther from Left to Right: Contemporary Strategies for Reading a Biblical Text" in The Bible in Three Dimensions [ed D. J. A. Clines, et al], Sheffield Academic, 1990: 31-52.

William T. McBride, "Esther Passes: Chiasm, Lex Talio, and Money in the Book of Esther" in "Not in Heaven" (ed. J. Rosenblatt & J. Sitterson), Indiana University Press, 1991: 211-223.

F. B. Huey, Jr., "Irony as the Key to Understanding the Book of Esther," Southwestern Journal of Theology 32 (1990): 36-39.

Yehuda T. Radday, "Esther with Humour" in On Humour and the Comic in the Hebrew Bible (JSOT Sup., 92), ed. Y. T. Radday, et al., Almond Press, 1990: 295-313.

"Chiasmus in Hebrew Biblical Narrative" in Chiasmus in Antiquity (ed. J. Welch), Gerstenberg Verlag, 1981: 50-117.

Maryse Waegeman, "Motifs and Structure in the Book of Esther" in "Wünschet Jerusalem Frieden" (Beiträge zur Erforschung des Alten Testaments und des Antiken Judentums, 13), ed. M. Augustin and K. D. Schunk, Peter Lang, 1988: 371-384.

Dennis J. McCarthy, "Covenant in Narratives from Late Old Testament Times" in The Quest for the Kingdom of God: Studies in Honor of G. E. Mendenhall (ed. F. Spina, et al.): Eisenbrauns, 1983: 77-94.

James A. Loader, Esther as a Novel with Different Levels of Meaning," Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 90.3 (1978): 417-421.

"Synchronous and Diachronous Perspectives in an Analysis of the Book of Esther" in Aspects of the Exegetical Process (Ou-Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap In Suider-Afrika, 20 & 21), ed. W. C. van Wyk, N H W Press, 1981: 95-109.

Derickson, Gary W. "An Argument of Esther." Paper submitted for the course 372 Seminar in Old Testament Historical Literature, Spring 1989.

Townsend, Jeffrey L. "The Book of Esther." Unpublished class notes in 302 Old Testament History II. Dallas Theological Seminary, Fall 1983.


Armerding, Carl. Esther Chicago: Moody Press, 1955.

Cohen, A. "Esther." In The Five Megilloth. London: Soncino Press, 1946.

Huey, F. B. Jr. "Esther." In The Expositor's Bible Commentary Volume 4., 773-839. Grand Rapids: Regency Reference Library, 1988.

Keil, C. F. "Ezra, Nehemiah." In I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. Translated by Sophia Taylor. Commentary on the Old Testament. 10 vols. N.p.; reprint ed., Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1982.

Martin, John A. "Esther." In The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures by Dallas Seminary Faculty: Old Testament 699-713. Edited by John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1985.

Stern, A. W. The Book of Esther. The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges. Cambridge: University Press, 1907.

Thomas, Major W. Ian. If I Perish, I Perish. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, n.d.

Whitcomb, John C. "Esther: The Triumph of God's Sovereignty". In Everyman's Bible Commentary. Chicago: Moody Press, 1979.

Wright, J. Stafford. "The Historicity of the Book of Esther." In New Perspectives on the Old Testament 37-47. Edited by J. Barton Payne. Waco: Word Books, 1970.

##Other Subjects

B.W. Anderson, "The Place of Esther in the Christian Bible," Journal of Religion 30 (1950): 32-43.

David J.A. Clines, The Esther Scroll. Journal for Old Testament Studies Supplement 30. Sheffield: JSOT, 1984.

R. Gordis, "Religion, Wisdom and History in the Book of Esther," Journal of Biblical Literature 100 (1981): 359-88.

R. Gordis, "Studies in the Esther Narrative," Journal of Biblical Literature 95 (1976): 43-58.

W.W. Hallo, "The First Purim," Biblical Archaeologist 46 (1983): 19-26.

B.W. Jones, "Two Misconceptions about the Book of Esther," Catholic Bibkical Quarterly 39 (1977): 171-81.

B.W. Jones, "The So-Called Appendix to the Book of Esther," Semitics 6 (1978): 36-43.

J.A. Loader, "Esther as a Novel with Different Levels of Meaning," Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 90 (1978): 417-21.

Alan R. Millard, "Persian Names in Esther and the Reliability of the Hebrew Text," Journal of Biblical Literature 96 (1977): 481-88.

C.A. Moore, "Archaeology and the Book of Esther," Biblical Archaeologist 38 (1975): 62-79.

W.H. Shea, "Esther and History," Andrews University Seminary Studies 14 (1976): 227-46.

S. Talmon, "Wisdom in the Book of Esther," Vetus Testamentum 13 (1963): 419-55.

T.C.G. Thornton, "The Crucifixion of Haman and the Scandal of the Cross," Journal of Theological Studies 37 (1986): 419-26.

J.S. Wright, "The Historicity of the Book of Esther," John Barton Payne, ed. New Perspectives on the Old Testament. Word, 1970.

Edwin Yamauchi, "The Archaeological Background of Esther," Bibliotheca Sacra 137 (1980): 99-117.

R. Zadok, "On the Historical Background of the Book of Esther," Bible Notes 24 (1984): 18-23.

Not Yet Reviewed

Leslie Allen and LeAnne Flesher, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (NIBC), Hendrickson, 2001.

Michael V. Fox, The Redaction of the Books of Esther: On Reading Composite Texts (SBL Monograph, 40), Scholars Press, 1991.

Carey A. Moore (ed.), Studies in the Book of Esther, KTAV, 1980.

Resources by Chapter:

Esther 1

Boer, P A H de, "Psalm 81:6a: observations on translation and meaning of one Hebrew line [Gen 41:45; Esther 1 :17]," In the shelter of Elyon; ed by W Barrick and J

Spencer, 1984.

Eissfeldt, Otto, "Rechtskundige und Richter in Esther 1:13-22," Festschrift für Wilhelm Eiler s; ed by G Wiessner, 1967.

Gaster, Theodor H, "Esther 1:22," JBL 69 No 4(1950):381.

Legrand, Thierry, "Les targums d'Esther: essai de comparaison des targums I et III du livre d'Esther (chapitr e I) [parallel texts of the two targums; critical apparatus, and

commentary, pp 80-94]," Semitica, 37; A Caq uot, et al, 1987.

Rudolph, Wilhelm, "Textkritisches zum Estherbuch [Esther 1:15; Esther 2:19; Esther 7:8; Esther 9:16,29], " VT 4(1954):89-90.

Esther 2

De Troyer, Kristin, "An oriental beauty parlour: an analysis of Esther 2.8-18 in the Hebrew, the Septuagint a nd the second Greek text," A feminist companion to Esther,

Judith and Susanna; ed by A Brenner, 1995.

Rudolph, Wilhelm, "Textkritisches zum Estherbuch [Esther 1:15; Esther 2:19; Esther 7:8; Esther 9:16,29], " VT 4(1954):89-90.

Esther 3

Berman, Joshua, "Aggadah and anti-Semitism: the midrashim to Esther 3:8," Judaism 38(1989):185-19 6.

Collins, Nina L, "Did Esther Fast on the 15th Nisan? An Extended Comment on Esther 3:12 [tables]," RevBib 100(1993):533-561.

Grossfeld, Bernard, "The Haggada in the Targum Rishon to Esther according to the Bibliotheque Nationale Pa ris Heb 110 [includes Aramaic text]," HebS


Levenson, Jon D, "Is there a counterpart in the Hebrew Bible to New Testament antisemitism," Journ al of Ecumenical Studies 22(1985):242-260.

Esther 4

Cooley, Robert, "Gathered to his people: a study of a Dothan family tomb [Gen 37:17; I Sam 28:14; 2 Sam 1:2; 3:31; 2 Kgs 6:13; 2 Chron 35:25; Esther 4:1; Isa 15:2-3; Jer

9:17-19; 48:37; Lam 2:10; Ezek 26:16; 27:31; Amos 8:10], " The living and active Word of God; M Inch & R Youngblood, eds, 1983.

Crenshaw, James L, "The expression mî yôdea in the Hebrew bible," VT 36 No 3(1986):2 74-288.

Lehmann, Paul L, "The metaphorical reciprocity between theology and law [reply to M S Ball, pp 140-165], " Journal of Law and Religion 3 No 1(1985):179-191.

Wiebe, John M, "Esther 4:14: "Will relief and deliverance arise for the Jews from another place? "," CBQ 53(1991):409-415.

Esther 7

Rudolph, Wilhelm, "Textkritisches zum Estherbuch [Esther 1:15; Esther 2:19; Esther 7:8; Esther 9:16,29], " VT 4(1954):89-90.

Esther 8

Kessler, Rainer, "Die Juden als Kindes- und Frauenmörder? Zu Est 8,11," Die Hebräische Bibe l; ed by E Blum, et al, 1990.

Levenson, Jon D, "Is there a counterpart in the Hebrew Bible to New Testament antisemitism," Journ al of Ecumenical Studies 22(1985):242-260.

Esther 9

Camp, Claudia V, "Female voice, written word: women and authority in Hebrew Scripture," Embodied love ; P Cooey; S Farmer; M Ross, eds, 1987.

Elman, Yaakov, "R Zadok haKohen on the history of halakha [addendum; acknowledgments]," Tradition 21 No 4(1985):1-26.

Loewenstamm, Samuel E, "Esther 9:29-32: the genesis of a late addition," HUCA 42(1971):117-124 .

McKane, William, "Note on Esther 9 and 1 Samuel 15," JTS ns 12(1961):260-261.

Rudolph, Wilhelm, "Textkritisches zum Estherbuch [Esther 1:15; Esther 2:19; Esther 7:8; Esther 9:16,29], " VT 4(1954):89-90.

Complete Bibliography (listed alphabetically by author's last name)

Alter, Robert, "Biblical imperatives and literary play," "Not in heaven"; ed by J Ro senblatt and J Sitterson, 1991.

Anderson, Bernhard W, "The place of the Book of Esther in the Christian Bible," Journal of Religion 30(1950):32-43.

Andrew, M E, "Esther, Exodus and peoples," Australian Biblical Review 23(1975):25-28.

Bach, Alice, "Mirror, mirror in the text: reflections on reading and rereading," A feminist companion to Esther, Judith and Susanna; ed by A Brenner, 1995.

Bal, Mieke, "Lots of writing [bibliog, ils, table]," Semeia no 54(1991):77-102.

Bardtke, Hans, "Der Mardochäustag," Tradition und Glaube: das fruehe Christentum; ed by G Jeremias, 1971.

Beal, Timothy K, "Tracing Esther's beginnings," A feminist companion to Esther, Judith and Susanna ; ed by A Brenner, 1995.

Ben-Yosef, Arie, "Lekah Tov: the first book printed in Eretz-Israel and its author [R Yom Tov Zahalon]," HebS 26 No 2(1985):319-323.

Berg, Sandra B, "After the exile: God and history in the Books of Chronicles and Esther," The divi ne helmsman; ed by J Crenshaw, 1980.

Berg, Sandra B, "After the exile: God and history in the books of Chronicles and Esther," The divine helmsman; ed by J Crenshaw, 1980.

Bergey, Ron, "Late linguistic features in Esther," JQR 75 No 1(1984):66-78.

Bergey, Ronald L, "Post-exilic Hebrew linguistic developments in Esther: a diachronic approach," J ETS 31(1988):161-168.

Bland, Dave, "God's activity as reflected in the Books of Ruth and Esther," ResQ 24 No 3(1981) :129-147.

Blumenthal, David R, "Where God Is Not: The Book of Esther and Song of Songs [table]," Judaism 44(1995):80-92.

Bowman, John, "The identity and date of the unnamed feast of John 5:1," Near Eastern studies in ho nor of W Albright; ed by H Goedicke, 1971.

Brenner, Athalya, "Looking at Esther through the looking glass," A feminist companion to Esther, Judi th and Susanna; ed by A Brenner, 1995.

Bronner, Leila L, "Esther revisited: an aggadic approach," A feminist companion to Esther, Judith and Susanna; ed by A Brenner, 1995.

Brownlee, William H, 1917-1983, "Le livre grec d'Esther et la royauté divine [tr by B Couroyer]," RevBib 73(1966):161-185.

Brownstein, Rachel M, "Chosen women [in the Book of Esther]," Out of the garden; ed by C B üchmann, and others, 1994.

Broyde, Michael J, "Defilement of the Hands, Canonization of the Bible, and the Special Status of Esther, Ecc lesiastes, and Song of Songs," Judaism 44(1995):65-79.

Butting, Klara, "Das Lesen der Bibel als Beitrag zur Radikalisierung feministischer Theologie: Das Verh ältnis von Sexismus und Antisemitismus im Estherbuch,"

(Anti-)Rassistische Irritationen; ed by S Wagner , and others, 1994.

Camp, Claudia V, "The three faces of Esther: traditional woman, royal diplomat, authenticator of tradition, " Academy 38 No 1-2(1982):20-25.

Carroll, Michael P, "Myth, methodology and transformation in the Old Testament: the stories of Esther, Jud ith, and Susanna," Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses 12

No 3(1983):301-312.

Cazelles, Henri, "Note sur la composition du rouleau d'Esther," Lex tua veritas: für H Junker ; ed by H Gross and F Musser, 1961.

Clines, David J A, "In quest of the historical Mordecai," VT 41(1991):129-136.

Clines, David J A, "Reading Esther from left to right: contemporary strategies for reading a biblical text ," The Bible in three dimensions; ed by D Clines, et al, 1990.

Cohen, Abraham D, "Hu ha-goral: the religious significance of Esther," Judaism 23(1974):87-94.

Cohn, Gabriel H, "New insights into old texts (Megilloth) [Ruth, Lamentations, Esther]," Verkennin gen in een Stroomgebied; by M Boertien, et al, 1974.

Collier, Lizzie Hanby, Mrs, "Two Bible queens--Jezebel and Esther," United Brethren Review 6 No 1 (1895):8-17.

Cook, Herbert J, "The A text of the Greek versions of the Book of Esther," ZAW 81 no 3(1969):3 69-376.

Costas, Orlando E, "The subversiveness of faith: a paradigm for doing liberation theology [uses Esther as model]," Doing theology in today's world; ed by J Woodbridge,

et al, 1991.

Costas, Orlando E, "The subversiveness of faith: Esther as a paradigm for a liberating theology," Ecu menical Review 40(1988):66-78.

Craghan, John F, "Esther, Judith, and Ruth: paradigms for human liberation [bibliog ]," BTB 12 (1982):11-19.

Crenshaw, J L, "Method in determining wisdom influence upon historical literature," JBL 88(196 9):129-142.

Daube, David, "I believe in Jewish antiquities XI 237," JJS 27(1976):142-146.

Daxelmüller, Christoph, "Ester und die Ministerkrisen: Wandlungen des Esterstoffes in jüdischdeu tschen und jiddischen Purimspielen," Paradeigmata, 1; ed by F Link,

Del Medico, Henri E, "Le cadre historique des fêtes de Hanukkah et de Purîm," VT 15(196 5):238-270.

Derby, Josiah, "The Paradox in the Book of Esther," Jewish Bible Quarterly 23(1995):116-119.

Driver, Godfrey Rolles, "Problems and solutions [words in Koheleth and Esther, curious tr in the LXX, and homonyms in the OT]," VT 4(1954):225-245.

Díez Merino, Luis, "El Targum de Ester en la tradición sefardí: El ms G-I-5 de El Escorial [Eng abst]," EsB 45 no 1-2(1987):57-92.

Ego, Beate, "Targumization of theologization: aggadic additions in the Targum Sheni of Esther," Th e Aramaic Bible; ed by D Beattie, 1994.

Eybers, I H, "The "canonization" of Song of Solomon: Ecclesiastes and Esther," Aspects of t he exegetical process; ed by W Wyk, 1977.

Finkel, J, "Author of the Genesis Apocryphon knew the Book of Esther [Hebrew text with English summary], " Essays on the Dead Sea Scrolls: E L Sukenik; ed by C

Rabin, 1961.

Fox, Michael V, "The redaction of the Greek Alpha-Text of Esther," "Shaarei Talmon"; ed by M Fishbane, et al, 1992.

Fox, Michael V, "The religion of the book of Esther," Judaism 39(1990):135-147.

García Martínez, Florentino, "Las fronteras de lo Bíblico," Scripta Theologica 23(1991):759-784.

Gardner, Anne E, "The relationship of the additions to the Book of Esther to the Maccabean crisis," Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman

Period 15(1984):1-8.

Gardner, Anne E, "The relationship of the additions to the Book of Esther to the Maccabean crisis," Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman

Period 15(1984):1-8.

Gitay, Zefira, "Esther and the queen's throne [photos]," A feminist companion to Esther, Judith an d Susanna; ed by A Brenner, 1995.

Goldman, Stan, "Narrative and ethical ironies in Esther," JSOT no 47(1990):15-31.

Gordis, Robert, "Religion, wisdom and history in the Book of Esther - a new solution to an ancient crux, " JBL 100(1981):359-388.

Gordis, Robert, "Studies in the Esther narrative," JBL 95(1976):43-58.

Gordon, Cyrus H, "North Israelite influence on postexilic Hebrew," IEJ 5 No 2(1955):85-88.

Goshen- Gottstein, M H, "The "third Targum" on Esther and Ms Neofiti 1," Bib 56 No 3 (1975):301-329.

Greenstein, Edward L, "A Jewish reading of Esther," Judaic perspectives on ancient Israel; J N eusner, et al, eds, 1987.

Grelot, Pierre, "Observations sur les Targums I et III d'Esther," Bib 56 No 1(1975):53-73.

Gross, Abraham, "Iberian expulsions as reflected in the commentary on Esther [Hebrew article]," Pr oc, 9th World Cong of Jewish Stds, B, 1; A Gardner, et al, 1985.

Grossfeld, Bernard, "Ms Paris Heb 110 of Targum Sheni to Esther of the Bibliothèque Nationale," Proc, 10th World Cong of Jewish St, A: Bible; D Assaf, 1990.

Haenchen, Ernst, "Hamans Galgen und Christi Kreuz," Wahrheit und Glaube; Festschrift E Hirsch; ed by H Gerdes, 1963.

Hallo, William W, "The first Purim [bibliog]," BibArch 46(1983):19-26.

Hambrick-Stowe, Charles E, "Ruth the new Abraham, Esther the new Moses," ChCen 100(1983):1130- 1134.

Harrelson, Walter, "Textual and translation problems in the book of Esther [bibliog]," PRS 17( 1990):197-208.

Heller, Bernard, 1896-1976, "A perennial pattern of prejudice," RL 13 No 3(1944):397-408.

Heltzer, Michael, "A propos des banquets des rois Achéménides et du retour d'exil sous Zorobabel [Esther]," RevBib 86(1979):102-106.

Heltzer, Michael, "The Book of Esther--where does fiction start and history end? [photos]," BR 8(1992):25-30,41.

Herst, Roger E, "Purim connection," USQR 28(1973):139-145.

Hiebert, Frances F, "Finding favor: a missionary orientation [book of Esther]," Missiology 17( 1989):143-157.

Hintze, Almut, "The Greek and Hebrew versions of the Book of Esther and its Iranian background [bibliog], " Irano-Judaica III; ed by S Shaked, and others, 1994.

Hofmann, Inge, and Vorbichler, Anton, "Herodot und der Schreiber des Esther-Buches [bibliog essay]," Zeitschrift f r Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft


Horbury, William, "The name Mardochaeus in a Ptolemaic inscription [bibliog]," VT 41(1991):220 -226.

Horn, Siegfried H, "Mordecai, a historical problem," BibRe 9(1964):14-25.

Howard, Richard, "Esther," Congregation; ed by D Rosenberg, 1987.

Huey, F B, Jr, "Irony as the key to understanding the Book of Esther," Southwestern Journal of Theolo gy 32(1990):36-39.

Humphreys, W Lee, "Life-style for diaspora: a study of the tales of Esther and Daniel," JBL 92 (1973):211-223.

Humphreys, W Lee, "The story of Esther and Mordecai: an early Jewish novella," Saga, legend, tale, novella, fable; ed by G Coats, 1985.

Hutter, Manfred, "Iranische Neujahrsfestmythologie und der Traum des Mordechai," BibNot no 44(198 8):39-45.

Hyman, Frieda Clark, "The education of a queen [Esther]," Judaism 35 No 1(1986):78-85.

Jackowski, Karol, "Holy disobedience in Esther," TT 45(1989):403-414.

Japp, Phyllis M, "Esther or Isaiah: the abolitionist-feminist rhetoric of Angelina Grimké," Q uarterly Journal of Speech 71 No 3(1985):335-348.

Jones, Bruce W, "The so-called appendix to the book of Esther," Semitics 6(1978):36-43.

Jones, Bruce W, "The so-called appendix to the book of Esther [unity of the book]," Semitics, vol 6, 1978; ed by H Dreyer, 1978.

Jones, Bruce W, "Two misconceptions about the book of Esther," CBQ 39(1977):171-181.

Kapp, Volker, "Racines Esther und die Diskussion über die Bedeutung der biblischen Themen im klassisc hen französischen Drama," Paradeigmata, 1; ed by F Link, 1989.

Kasher, Rimon, and Klein, Michael L, "New fragments of Targum to Esther from the Cairo Genizah [Aramaic texts , trs; bibliog, photos]," Hebrew Union College

Annual, vol 61, 1990; ed by H Paper, 1991.

Kearley, Furman, "Difficult texts from Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (Ezra 10)," Difficult texts of the O ld Testament; ed by W Winkler, 1982.

Klein, Lillian R, "Honor and shame in Esther," A feminist companion to Esther, Judith and Susanna ; ed by A Brenner, 1995.

Knapp, Bettina L, "Jean Racine's Esther and two Hebrew translations of this drama," Salo Wittmayer Ba ron; ed by S Lieberman, 1975.

Kriel, Jacques R, "Esther: the story of a girl or the story of her God?," Theologia Evangelica 19 No 2(1986):2-14.

Lachs, Samuel T, "Hadassah that is Esther [the name "Esther"]," Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period 10(1979):219-220.

LaCocque, Andre, "Haman in the book of Esther [bibliog]," Hebrew annual review, vol 11, 1987; ed by R Ahroni, 1987.

Lebram, J C H, "Purimfest und Estherbuch," VT 22(1972):208-222.

Legrand, Thierry, "Les targums d'Esther: essai de comparaison des Targums I et III du livree d'Esther; pt 1 [Aramaic text]," Semitica 37(1987):96-118.

Lehmann, Israel O, "Tradition und Zeitgeist in einer Estherrolle aus der Zeit Friedrich des Grossen [photo ]," Zeitschrift f r Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 23 no


Lehmann, Manfred R, "A reconstruction of the Purim story [a Jerusalem-Judah setting]," Tradition 12(1972):90-98.

Levenson, Jon D, "Scroll of Esther in ecumenical perspective," Journal of Ecumenical Studies 1 3(1976):440-452.

Levit-Tawil, Dalia, "The enthroned King Ahasuerus at Dura in light of the iconography of kingship in Iran [figs; bibliog]," American Schools of Oriental Research Bulletin

No 250(1983):57-78.

Littman, Robert J, "Religious policy of Xerxes and the Book of Esther," JQR 65(1975):145-155.

Loader, J A, "Synchronous and diachronous perspectives in an analysis of the Book of Esther," Aspe cts of the exegetical process; ed by W Wyk, 1977.

Loader, James A, "Esther as a novel with different levels of meaning," ZAW 90 No 3(1978):417-421.

Loewenclau, Ilse von, "Apologie für Ester," Nachdenken über Israel, Bibel und Theologie ; ed by M Niemann, and others, 1994.

Lunt, Horace G, and Taube, Moshe, "The Slavonic Book of Esther: Translation from Hebrew or Evidence for a Los t Greek Text? [table]," HTR 87(1994):347-362.

Magonet, Jonathan, "The liberal and the lady: Esther revisited," Judaism 29(1980):167-176.

Martin, R A, "Syntax criticism of the LXX additions to the book of Esther," JBL 94(1975):65-72 .

McBride, William T, "Esther passes: chiasm, lex talio, and money in the Book of Esther," "Not in heaven"; ed by J Rosenblatt and J Sitterson, 1991.

McClarty, Wilma, "Esther [bibliog]," A complete literary guide to the Bible; ed by L Ryken, and o thers, 1993.

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